One of the hardest things about being a developer is setting up your developer environment. Installing everything and making sure it works is tough. That’s why I’m going to compeletely bypass that and move to hotkeys.
In a prior life, I was an investment analyst that breathed Excel all day long. Because of this, we would need to optimize our workflow with keyboard shortcuts. Doing things with ten fingers is better than five. Here is a list of a few of my favorite tools and some hotkeys to improve your productivity.
Operating System and Apps (Mac OS X)
Search Cmd space
Open Cmd o
New file Cmd n
Close window Cmd w
Quit App Cmd q
Switch App Cmd table
Switch Window Cmd `
Find Cmd f
Highlight Shift up, down, left, right
Move to end Cmd up, down, left, right
Copy Cmd c
Cut Cmd x
Paste Cmd v
Screenshot Cmd $
Text Editor (Atom or Sublime Text)
Multiple cursors Cmd d
Search files Cmd t
Close tag Cmd >
Shell commands (Bash or Z shell)
Manual of command man 'command'
Show current directory pwd
List directory items ls
Make a new directory mkdir 'new directory'
Change directory cd 'directory'/['directory']
Previous directory cd -
Current directory 'command' .
Up a directory 'command' ..
Previous path 'command' !$
Home directory 'command' ~
Root directory 'command' /
Autofill tab
Create a new file touch 'new file name'
Copy a file cp 'file name' 'new directory'
Move or rename mv 'file name' 'new directory or name'
Remove rm 'file name'
Remove recursively rm -rf 'directory with files to remove'
Move to beginning Ctrl a
Move to end Ctrl e
Move to previous Ctrl x, Ctrl x
Previous command Up
Next command Down
Cancel operation Ctrl c
Clear screen Ctrl l
Clear word before Ctrl w
Clear left and copy Ctrl u
Clear right and copy Ctrl k
Yank/paste clear Ctrl y
Incremental undo Ctrl x, Ctrl u
Git commands
Clone a repository git clone 'url'
Start git tracking git init
Change branch git checkout 'feature-branch'
Checkout new branch git checkout -b 'new-feature-branch'
Delete branches git branch -d 'old-feature-branch'
Check status git status
Stage all git add -A
Commit with message git commit -m 'Add message on changes'
Show log git log
Push branch to origin git push origin 'new-feature-branch'
Pull latest changes git pull