One of the things I really like about Dev Bootcamp versus others is that they emphasize a lot about the individual and self reflection.
Part of the pre-Phase 0 work is figuring out what your learning and thinking style is. You just do a self-evaluation on learning and thinking.
Here were my results:
- Multimodal
- Concrete
- Sequential: 40
- Random: 28
- Abstract
- Sequential: 48
- Random: 4
It would seem that my style is multimodal, particularly “Concrete” and “Sequential.” Additionally, it’s particularly not reading and writing focused or “Abstract” and “Random.”
What’s all this mean?
With regards to learning, I like to learn by using a lot of different things (visual, aural, reading/writing, and kinesthetic). For me, there was less emphasis on reading and writing since I don’t really think it’s often as succinct as it could be.
Regarding thinking, based on the Professor Anthony Gregorc’s research, I prefer order and systematized, logical thinking. I like to stick to the facts and act on them. Less ideal are things that are unorganized and unpredictable.
In general, I view all these personality surveys as a way to seek out the gist of who you are. It’s not perfect, but in general it’s accurate I’d say.
I’ll need to work on trusting people to do things more often and be comfortable with uncertainty since that’s the real world after all.
Knowing your weaknesses makes you stronger, much like knowing what you don’t know is better than not knowing what you don’t know.