Stereotype threat is the topic of this week’s DBC cultural discussion. Stereotype threat is how someone’s performance is affected by stereotypes that they may classify themselves under. The “threat” part is the underperformance due to negative stereotypes, but overperformance from positive stereotypes are possible under stereotype lift.
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An interesting thing about object-oriented programming is that everything is an object and objects inherit characteristics from their parents and pass them on to their children. By organizing a set of objects this way, you can classify similar objects as well.
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Enumerables! it means that you’re able to count something one at a time. they’re sometimes referred as ruby’s most useful module (a bunch of methods packaged together)! arrays and hashes are really powerful, but more so because of they can get mixed in with enumerable methods. this adheres to the dry (“don’t repeat yourself”) principle; once methods are included in enumerable and included in array and hash classes, you can use those methods whenever you use collections (arrays and hashes)!
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Enable multiple ways to authenticate who you are: phone, faceprint, and a long passphrase. Use these to log into a pass manager like 1Password or the like. Use a privacy-oriented browser like Brave. Utilize a VPN when on public WiFi.
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Arrays and hashes are some of the most interesting data types in programming!
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